Donate to the BreadWinners Foundation

BreadWinners hopes to change the lives and viewpoints of students nationwide.   We will create sparks of hope and wealth visionaries across the country. We will also equip them with the knowledge of how to create wealth leading to a generational eruption of individuals growing up financially literate and intellectually outspoken.

Too often do we leave our future leaders blindly walking toward what could be their destiny or demise. Instead, we must prepare them for fulfilling, wealthy lifestyles by encouraging them to set large goals and dream ambitiously. Then ensuring they are prepared to see their visions come to fruition by equipping them with the knowledge and proper preparation for life’s battles. They need our experience and helping hand to project them to their bright futures.

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” - African Proverb

BreadWinners first educates college students on these topics to better prepare them for life after college. We then encourage these college students to go out into the community and pass on this information to middle and high school students economically empowering our community through knowledge share.

Your donations will go to materials, sponsorships, and other necessary tools to ensure that the future of our youth is brighter than ever. Thank you for planting the seeds that will shade our upcoming generations with knowledge and preparation trees that ensure they grow towards success!